This information sheet is an Australian Government requirement under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009
Description of Credit Card
Product name
Freestyle The Virtual Credit Account.
Minimum credit limit
Minimum repayments
Repayments are set at the time of each draw down of funds based on your repayment term for that draw down. We offer monthly or fortnightly repayments options. For each draw down, you must pay us the greater of:
Monthly Repayments:$30 per month plus $5 monthly fee or the total sum of your advanced monthly schedules which will comprise of the total of any amount utilised within your credit limit amortised over agreed term including applicable interest charges for the period, 1/12th of your annual fee and the $5 monthly fee.
Fortnightly Repayments: $15 per fortnight plus $5 monthly fee or the total sum of your advanced fortnightly schedules which will comprise of the total of any amount utilised within your credit limit amortised over agreed term including applicable interest charges for the period, 1/26th of your annual fee and the $5 monthly fee.
The minimum amount of each draw down of funds is $100. We will provide you with a statement of account showing the amount that is due and the date for payment depending upon the frequency of your selected repayments (either monthly or fortnightly).
Interest on purchases
18.24% p.a. to 23.24% p.a.
Interest-free period
Up to 55 days on purchases.
Interest on cash advances
18.24% p.a. to 23.24% p.a.
Annual fee
From $0 to $149 based on your credit limit and MONEYME loan rating.
Overdue account fee
$35 payable when the repayment is 7 days overdue, and again every 14 days thereafter, until arrears are cleared or a cap of $210 is reached.
Disputed transaction fee
$11 payable on completion of investigating a disputed transaction if it is found that the transaction was valid.
Monthly fee
$5 per month.
Dishonour fee
$15 payable each time a direct debit is dishonoured, or a loan repayment is not made.
Mastercard foreign exchange fee
2.99% of the transaction value.
Cash advance fee
There may be circumstances in which you have to pay other fees. You can only be charged a fee for exceeding your credit limit if you separately agree to being charged that fee. A full list of current fees applicable to this credit card can be obtained from
For more information on choosing and using credit cards visit the ASIC consumer website at
The terms on which this credit card is offered can change over time. You can check if any changes have been made by visiting or by contacting us on 1300 669 059.