Payday cash loans offer smaller loan amounts. Although they provide borrowers with quick short-term solutions, instant payday loans like these usually have higher interest rates and much shorter repayment periods than standard loans. This is because a typical money loaner or payday lender doesn’t assess the debt-to-income ratio of their borrowers before giving them the loan.
If it’s an urgent payday loan you need right now, MoneyMe offers a better alternative in the form of personal loans. Our personal loans have flexible and much longer repayments all while offering the convenience of getting same-day money, just like when you apply for a quick payday loan. MoneyMe personal loans have low rates starting lower than the big 4 banks.
Using an advanced proprietary loan management platform, you can apply for a MoneyMe loan anytime and anywhere using just your smartphone. Complete our online application in under 5 minutes, get an outcome fast, and have the funds in your bank account in as little as 60 minutes once approved. The process is fairly easy.
But first things first: to be eligible to apply you must be an Australian resident who is 18+ and has a regular income. Since we offer much bigger loan amounts than payday loans companies, your application will undergo a fair and careful assessment before approval. As a responsible lender, we consider various factors such as your credit score, income, debt obligations and living expenses to come up with a loan amount tailored to your circumstances. This way we’re confident that you’re getting an amount you can comfortably afford to repay.
If ever your application is approved, we will be sending you a soft copy of your loan contract that you can digitally sign once you’ve read and decided that you’re happy with the loan statement as well as the terms and conditions.
Should you decide to pay off the entire loan earlier, you don’t have to worry about paying an additional cost since we don’t charge early exit fees.
With rates starting lower than the big four banks, our personal loans can help you cross short-term debts off your list and get the cash boost you need to buy essentials while waiting for your next paycheck—without getting any surprise fees or hidden charges.