There are those times in life when you need a little extra cash fast. Maybe it’s for that purchase you just can’t wait for or to grab an awesome deal. Or, perhaps you have an unexpected expense and don’t want to compromise your lifestyle.
Whenever the need arises, with MoneyMe you can apply online at anytime for a small loan for any amount from $5,000 up to $50,000.
With secure, hassle-free Proviso technology we can access 90 days of your bank statements online in a matter of seconds. And there’s no clunky scanning and emailing of payslips or bank statements. Just fill in your personal details and that’s all we need to get started with your online loan application.
To apply, you’ll need to be employed, over 18 and an Australian resident. Just so you know, responsible lending is very important to us – we won’t lend amounts that you can’t comfortably repay.
Once you’ve filled in the application, we’ll get things happening quickly and your cash could be in your bank account in 60 minutes or less – you could even have your money in seconds! This depends on your bank, of course! Just so you know, it generally takes a bit longer if you apply for your online loan outside of normal business hours.
So, why delay any longer? Get started now with our 3-minute online loan application now.